Lawfully Creative

Lawfully Creative


  • 117 Episodes
  • English
  • Last updated Sep 01, 2023
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Antoine Pecqueur, musician, journalist and author

May 01, 2020 S01 E13 01:17:52

Antoine Pecqueur is a thorough and enthusiastic journalist focusing on culture and the creative industries, who interviewed our founding and managing partner, Annabelle Gauberti, twice, on legal issues relating to the art sector. However, Antoine has several strings to his bow, being also a professional bassoonist and author. 1 May 2020 – Antoine Pecqueur and Crefovi’s founding and managing partner, and Lawfully Creative’s founder and editor, Annabelle Gauberti, had a Zoom video call, during these times of lockdown, in order to discuss Antoine’s trajectory in three distinct, yet complementary, cultural fields, which are music, journalism and writing. Antoine has accumulated an impressive body of work, at 38 years’ old, thanks to a strong work ethic and relentless work. Listen to the lowdown, from Antoine, in this entertaining and chatty ‟Lawfully Creative” podcast! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit